Nondogmatic Apologetics

Connecting student apologists with modern scholarship


We provide apologetics speakers with resources to answer the questions "why is this important?" and "why is this challenging?"

Does God really exist?

How can God be merciful and just?

Why would God let bad things happen to good people?

Does God truly care about us?

Scripture (coming soon!)

How could the Bible be written by man and God?

Is the Bible full of contradictions?

Isn't the Bible just like other "holy books?"

Why would a loving God send us to hell?

Why do we pray if God already knows our thoughts?

Can we really know God?

Is faith an excuse to ignore truth?

Is it narrow minded to believe that there's only one way to heaven?

Christology and Jesus (coming soon!)

How could Jesus be God and a man?

Was Jesus just a good teacher?

Is there historical evidence supporting Jesus' life and resurrection?

Comparative Religion (coming soon!)

Are Christians hypocritical and judgmental?

Do we need to go to church? Can't we worship God anywhere?

Is Christianity compatible with science?


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