Our Philosophy

  1. We should listen to those who have gone before us. In the nearly 2000 years of Christianity's existence there is little that is new. We should not try to shoddily reinvent the wheel in reliance on our own intellect.

  2. We must recognize the humanity of those whom we attempt to persuade. We do that by studying the power of the arguments which they find persuasive.

Our Method

To the best of our ability, we present honest and accurate restatements of perspectives on the NCFCA and Stoa apologetics topics. We do not claim to represent a particular tradition. Rather, we actively include perspectives other than our own.

Meet the team

Anthony Severin

Anthony began talking with atheists online at 12 years old. His drive to understand people with differing beliefs has never gone away. After four years in the NCFCA and studying theology at both Baylor and Duke, he was driven to create the resource that he always wanted: a collection of respected and thoughtful perspectives from all sides of debates on the NCFCA and Stoa apologetics topics.

His personal website is here.

Bethany Lynch

Bethany is from San Jose, California. She graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 2018 and got her B.A. in History with an emphasis in Ancient Israelite Religion. She graduated from Duke University in 2020 with her M.A. in Religious Studies with a concentration in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. She enjoys studying ancient languages including: Latin, Greek, and Biblical Hebrew as well as painting, hiking, and reading.

Jeremiah Mosbey

Jeremiah is an apologetics competitor for the NCFCA speech league. He enjoys reading and curating many kinds of writings, especially those related to theology. As a debater, he's constantly on the lookout for the strongest arguments for and against any given idea, and he loves the interaction and clash between them.